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The Foundational Component In Leadership Is Impacted By Your Echoes From The Past

Lora Newman • Aug 11, 2024

Are you dragging the past into the present?

If you follow Gallup, Lencioni, or other leadership experts - you find that trust is the foundation to leadership.

People will follow you if they trust you - this is true, whether you are referencing employees or customers. What is overlooked is how well you trust you. Now, you may think that you trust yourself. You don't steal or lie (overtly) and this is not what trusting yourself is all about. I say overtly because every human gets out of congruence with themselves. If you have ever had a New Year's resolution of a fitness goal and were promptly "off the fitness wagon" by February 1st, this is what I mean. If you say you want ABC and then fail to take the appropriate actions to manifest it, you begin to lose trust with yourself subconsciously. This leads to a gradual slide in self-confidence.

Where I see business owners distrust the most is with themselves. It usually shows up in the decision making process as "waiting" or procrastination or making the highly conservative move instead of the bolder move that is needed instead. It is apparent in the things that are held in mind in the "someday" or "later" category.

This impacts confidence. The definition of confidence is merely trusting yourself to handle whatever comes your way. Confidence can be high in some areas and lower in others. When it comes to growth of your business - with all that is happening externally in the business environment, it can cause hesitation.

The biggest factor in play with confidence (trusting yourself) are the echoes from your past. Past experiences and events. Humans are meaning making machines. Something happens or someone we value says something and our brains interpret it and record it in the subconscious only to be retrieved (consciously or unconsciously) later.

What do I mean?

One example of this comes to mind when I was working with a business owner that was struggling with the growth that he badly desired. He tried one strategy after the next and was consistently falling short, which only served to further bruise his confidence.

There were two key factors keeping him from succeeding and reaching the goals he desired. One was asking his team for their input. Easy enough to resolve even though there was some hesitation there. The other key was trust in himself. He kept playing small, holding back in making the bold moves he needed to make.

In working together, he discovered his blind spots as he was not fully executing the strategies because he would hold back in fear of failing or being wrong. This was not even conscious to him, it came out in a session with the horses when he was hesitating in the exercise with the horses.

Upon exploring this, we found that the first job he held straight out of college had impacted him more than he realized. He worked for an abusive leader that had consistently devalued him verbally. My client did not realize how his brain and nervous system had recorded this and was replaying this old tape in his head each time he went to make a move toward bigger more lofty goals. Now, he was not replaying the exact memories, no. He was replaying the interpretation his brain had made up about himself in order to "play it safe and not fail." This was impacting how well he trusted himself (his confidence in growing his business through his own decisions.)

Once we addressed this through some reframing and re- processing, he was on the road to peace, profits and growth.

What about you? What rolls through your mind when looking at growing your company, leading your teams or looking at taking more time off? Do you hit the procrastination button, putting things off? Telling yourself a string of excuses as to why it can't or won't happen right now? Maybe you keep yourself overloaded or distracted so you don't have to look at it.

A lot of times when business owners reach out to me, they think they have a "money block" or some sort of other type of "block" impeding their path forward as they continue to consistently hit the wall.  Upon the initial assessment I can usually see the subconscious programming causing the conundrums and "stuckness." I don't specifically know WHY it is there immediately, it is just obviously causing a block in the thinking performance of the person and we simply need to refile some past experiences into a new category subconsciously in order for the person to take the powerful steps forward.

Those "echoes from the past" are causing a hiccup in thinking, performance and results.

Are you ready to get on with the business of increasing revenue, leading teams with ease and experiencing more freedom? The good news is - we have simple solutions!

Just reach out for a quick conversation. What do you have to lose, but a few minutes of your time to explore how well you trust you? My email is

Ready for that powerful leap forward in results and freedom? Check out the 48 Hour Breakthrough, a must for any leader serious about growing themselves as a leader and getting greater results with less effort. Check it out here

We offer leadership and business growth events each month called, Coffee With Coach Lora, where you can get powerful information and strategies to move the needle on revenue.  You also get to experience the power of equine assisted learning with our horses. There is no riding, all work done from the ground and no knowledge of horses needed to have a breakthrough and build a strategy forward.

We just so happen to have the Step ~ Function ~ Change edition happening this month on the 16th where business owners will learn to make changes for growth quicker with their team onboard. Attend live or virtually!  Check it out at

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