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Business Owner Performance Anxiety - It's A Thing And Relief Is Here With Step Function Change!

Lora Newman • August 4, 2024

Performance Anxiety Isn't Just For Performers and Athletes

According the American Psychological Association performance anxiety is "apprehension and fear of the consequences of being unable to perform a task or of performing it at a level that will raise expectations of even better task achievement."

How many times have we all as business owners worried about the outcome of our decisions and actions? It can cause a little performance anxiety without a doubt.

When it comes to growth and / or making changes, performance anxiety can set in. Especially when you have other humans involved, there are unknown variables. Worry about outcomes can set in causing stagnation and stifled growth. I have witnessed this with many business owners in the growth stages or simply stuck and trying to get out of the rut.

The default is to start looking at the left brain strategy, thinking this alone will do the trick. But wait - here comes the uncertainty. Procrastination sets in...and the cycle of stuck or lack luster results hits again.

What if you could optimize your decision making process so that getting out of the rut and growing were a lot easier - In a manner more creatively driven that removed your worry?

Some things to consider as a business owner:

Employees want more connectivity and purpose in their work and you can accomplish this by getting them enrolled in your process of growth.

Disrupt the old ways - redesign employee roles with technology and procedure, support growth mindset and behaviors, leverage the change agents already present within your organization, and support higher levels of performance by remembering it is personal to them.

Ready to make your power move for growth and/or rejuvenation?

We offer a process in growth called, Step-Function-Change. This is a strategic approach to how an company can partner with key team members to create perpetual growth over time. It is intentionally driven and creates positive change. A staircase of growth is created where the riser of the work is based in new discoveries and creates a clear next step. Disruption is used as a catalyst  for continuous improvement. This process establishes a growth mindset in the team because maintaining the old status quo is viewed as stifling growth.

For your team, the experience of Step Function Change is more like an energetic sprint that gets refueled at each step compared to the sometimes marathon feeling of ongoing continuous improvement. The result of this method brings clarity and structure to growth and people understand where they are in the process of change, making it easier for teams to move through growth cohesively.

Would you like to check out this whole concept of Step ~ Function ~ Change?  Join us for Coffee With Coach Lora on August 16th. Stuart Morse of The Morse Group will be leading us through the process. You will leave with a clear understanding of how to bring growth without chaos.

Would it be okay if growing your company got easier? Yes?

Check it out here or visit

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