The purpose of leadership is to produce a result - In today's business landscape, time is a very valuable commodity and business leaders don't have the time to burn in weeks of classes and trainings.
Why do these things take so long and do they have to be that way?
On one hand, humans are creatures of habituation and it takes time to turn the ship around. True.
And on the other hand, with the research in neuroscience and psychology, we now know hacks for more rapid transformation. I like to refer to them as the "quick and dirty" approach to leadership transformation. Tongue in cheek of course - allow me to explain.
All business leaders have blind spots in their process of decision making and leading. It is a human condition. Blind spots of personality type, communication style, money personality, innate strengths, overall life experience and so forth. Humans are complex creatures that are easily programmed to run down one path, even if it isn't conducive to healthy growth. We tend to default to a familiar and "comfortable" thinking pattern.
Time and money are the two places leaders typically feel the pinch first. How money and time roll out for you depends on how you are interfacing with it.
What do I mean?
Some people are profoundly impacted in how they make money decisions (isn't every business decision related to money?) based on family of origin attitudes toward money. Some examples that come to mind are the highly successful business owners that I have worked with over the years that got stuck in growing business.
Upon first glance, it didn't make sense. The leaders in front of me had achieved over seven figures. They had good strategy, good team, and yet - increasing revenue and freedom were the challenge.
When I dug in, it was discovered that their family of origin had a negative attitude toward people that earn over a certain amount of money OR a family member would take the money away through dishonest means and the business leaders I was working with had subconsciously gone into protective mode. They were avoiding criticism and shame, protecting themselves (and their money) - ultimately feeling like "why put in the effort to make more when I am wrong for doing it or it will be taken from me.?"
I know on the surface this may sound far fetched, and yet I see this every week in my practice. Leaders stuck in patterns of lack for one reason or another.
We were able to work with these leaders to expose the thinking patterns driving this dynamic, undo the faulty thinking and get them back on the road to growth and success through experiential learning and coaching.
Experiential learning and coaching is proving to be far more effective than the old style didactic method (sitting in a classroom listening to an instructor.)
Because humans learn quicker and more effectively through movement and experience as it causes an energetic and emotional shift impacting the brain and nervous system.
Some of the methods include horses giving feedback from the ground. There is no riding, all work is done from the ground and no experience with horses is necessary. Our horses are temperament tested for this type of work of course.
Horses read your energy, particularly authenticity. If you are running any other energy, like that of hesitation or uncertainty, they pick up on that and feedback accordingly. It is fascinating to experience. It offers us the "quick and dirty" method in transforming leaders. I cannot guarantee you won't get a little dust (or worse) on your shoes, but I can guarantee "quick" shifts.
We offer an innovative and groundbreaking approach to leadership transformation. The upcoming Money Ripple Effect program takes focus on shifting how you do time and money decisions, how you interface with these two dynamics in a profound way through experiential and equine assisted exercises designed to help you quickly uncover the thinking patterns holding you in patterns of lack and frustration.
Forbes recently published an article about a couple of colleagues on this very topic of horses and leadership. You can read it here...
We then move onto help you breakthrough those patterns, identify new pathways to increase revenue, lead teams with ease, and experience more freedom.
The Money Ripple Effect program is a deep dive into the subconscious mind that clears out what isn't working and installs new attitudes and patterns of growth and expansion.
If you are ready for more flow and freedom...check out this one day event designed to give you just that.
Check out The Money Ripple Effect here...
Wednesday 9 AM – 5 PM
Thursday 9 AM – 5 PM
Friday 9:30 AM – 5 PM
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Monday 9 AM – 5 PM
Tuesday 9 AM – 5 PM